Wednesday, November 17, 2004

More Website Design Talk

There hasn’t been much feedback on our new website. One blog reader did leave this comment: “Aside from the website not being very user friendly, it lacks the professional look I would expect from an institution such as the Registry of Deeds.” Thanks to the author of this remark for taking the time to share these thoughts. We welcome all comments, positive and negative, because we think the website should be interactive, something that encourages a dialog between the registry staff and registry users. For that reason, we strive for a casual, conversational look and tone for the website. So, while the “lack of professional look” comment is an accurate observation, that look is purposeful on our part. Creating and maintaining the informational portion of the website with our own personnel and computers saves us an enormous amount of money and gives us the flexibility to update the site quickly and easily so it reflects changes and important occurrences here at the registry. (The “search records” part of the site is created and maintained by ACS, our computer company). I’m more concerned about the “not very user friendly” comment because I know the site could be better. That’s why we are continuously trying new things. But it’s difficult for us to know how it could be more user friendly without input from our users. So I encourage everyone who uses the site to give us very specific comments and suggestions about how we can improve it.

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