Friday, October 15, 2010

GIS Mapping Prep

Over the past three weeks I have spent a number of hours working with our new GIS Mapping software to get a feel for it. The software is designed to allow us to overlay registry of deeds' plans with the state’s GIS maps using a rectangular marker.

Working with the program helped me assemble a list of “do’s and don’t’s” for employee training. might sound like a simple task to look at a registry plan then mark its location on a city/town map, but its not.

Here's one example why...Some registry plans are located on very, long streets. And some of these plans do not list a cross in some cases locating the correct locus requires detective work.

My experience working with the program taught me to look for hints on the map such as curves in the road, water areas, railroad tracks etc. Its almost like doing a crossword puzzle...and its fun.

In the beginning two employees will work on the project...this morning I introduced the first to the program. I was pretty encouraged by the enthusiasm and skill she showed toward the work.

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